Thursday, May 20, 2010

When a dream is disturbing....

This afternoon I lay down for a nap, figuring it would be my usual 20-60 minutes. Just under 2 hours later I woke up and remembered bits and pieces of a long and involved dream. This might not be disturbing in and of itself, but one of my long-term issues is that I very seldom remember even having dreamed, let alone details of a dream.

The dream itself wasn't disturbing. In fact, it was actually a pretty intriguing one, from the parts I do recall. I was living in a massive house that hadn't been lived in for a very long time, and had entire sections to myself. My best friend was also living in other sections with his birds. In the dream I had a dream, wherein I saw the entire plot and two compelling lead characters for a fantasy novel, one good scene was very explicit. Our massive house had an unused conservatory that we decided would become my writing area, and we were cleaning it up. Then I began writing, then typing the new masterpiece. I recall my friend bringing out one of his birds (not one of the five he really does own) out to be part of my inspiration.

I woke up.

Not only did I remember having a dream, but I remembered having a dream within a dream. And what I do remember is good, possibly inspiring. Part of the dream within a dream was the male lead character. I don't remember the details, but I woke up with a sense of loss for him, and a distinct empathy for the female lead. But that's about it.

So, tell me, why have I been a nervous wreck since waking up at just before 5:00 PM, over six hours ago? I have been antsy, my hands shaking, feeling like I want to cry, and definitely out of it.

There's little to go on, except this anxiety that I cannot put a finger on the cause nor the solution. I figured I would write it here and see if it helped. Not so much, but it didn't hurt, either. 

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